Monday, September 7, 2009


Each morning to start our school day we all get our instruments and attempt to play a melody while praising the Lord. Kelly, Landon and I are trying to play the guitar, Keaton does some kind of shaker instrument, or sings with our fake microphone, and Kelly sometimes uses the microphone. Sometimes Landon plays his toy flute. Well it is a fun way to start our school day. One day, Kelly put Cailin in front of the toy piano and she totally started playing. So... now this is her instrument. She actually plays it. It is so cute and she really enjoys it. We are now calling her Schroeder.


Lauren Blake said...

what a great idea!

Tom and Leah said...

she is so adorable. i remember when cass wore that outfit. thanks for the hand-me-downs, and back again. keep posting, we love it.

joyfulnoise said...

Leah - Do you remember that you gave that outfit to Kelly as a baby gift and then Cass wore it. Boy how things can recycle.