Saturday, September 5, 2009

Christmas in August - Happy Birthday Keaton

Around here at the Blake house, Birthday's start pretty early in the morning. The first event of the day begins with a special one on one birthday donut run with Dad. It is amazing how the birthday person is almost always the first to wake up on that particular day. Keaton and Dad on a Birthday Donut Run.
We had a small cupcake birthday party with all the school friends during one of our summer swim Tuesdays. Notice how all the friends are helping Keaton blow out her candles.


It's good to be 3.

Keaton with a silly face

Keaton with another silly face. What's new?

Choo, Choo. Disney's A Christmas Carol Train Tour passed through Dallas on Keaton's birthday so we decided to make it a train birthday party with the family and enjoy the Free entertainment.

A quartet dressed up like characters from the movie sang Happy Birthday to Keaton.

The Tain from the outside.

1st edition of A Christmas Carol by Dickens.

Costumes from the movie.

Handwritten manuscript of Nicholas Nickleby by Dickens.

Another silly face.
The train also had cars with the making of the movie, technology, and an interactive portion where you could take your picture and it would turn you into one of the characters. Maybe I will post these later. Jason and my dad look pretty funny as Scrooge.

We finished off the night at the Gaylord Texan. We walked around the atrium and looked at all of the miniature trains and then enjoyed more cupcakes. It was a fun night and we loved getting to celebrate with Keaton. She is such a fun member of our family. Someday I really want to post what it is like to raise her, but I don't have time right now because she keeps me so busy cleaning up all of her messes. Happy Birthday Keaton!

1 comment:

Lauren Blake said...

looks like you had a great times. happy birthday keaton, we will send you something soon in the mail. also, those silly faces are too funny.