Friday, February 25, 2011

Go Lando!

Landon is playing in the Texas State Home School basketball tournament this weekend.  They are in the 10 and under category which means that they are playing some 11 year olds that were 10 before a certain date.  Almost their entire team is 8 or 9 so they are much younger and smaller than the other teams but they never quit.  These little guys have huge hearts.  Landon has learned so much this year playing with this team.  He even scored a basket tonight and has been playing great.  This team is great and has such a great attitude.  Their coach is very positive and encouraging and a great coach as well.  Landon has been really stepping it up. We are so proud of you buddy!


tom said...

Go Landon! I would love to watch you play.

Lauren Blake said...

Harrison would be so proud of you Landon and we are too

Susan said...

Keep up the good work, buddy!