Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring Time in Texas

We have been playing in the back yard a lot lately.  Cailin has discovered the swing and everyone loves to get to swing with her.  She is really growing up fast.  My baby is quickly becoming a toddler, walking, toting her purse and even a cell.  She has learned to sign, eat, drink, please, and can say "thank you".  Her nick name is Baby Cakes. She is truly living up to her middle name, Joy.  She is very playful and always make everything a game. 
If you live in Texas it is a must to take bluebonnet pictures.  We take them every year with the Johnsons and each year for the last 7 years we add a new little person to the quilt.  Landon and Murphy started the tradition, and Barrett was next followed by Kelly, Keaton, Dane, Cailin and this year we should welcome Harper. 

Big brothers Rock!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Wow, I love the blue bonnets! What a great tradition. Thanks for posting the pictures of the kids.